The Monitor from McAllen, Texas (2025)

Classified Ad Dead Line For Weekday Editions Classified Ada Are Accepted Until 10 A.M. For The Sunday Paper Classified Space Ada Are Until 12 Noon Saturday, Classified Word Ada Until P.M. Saturday Classified Valley Evening Monitor Phone 440 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EFFECTIVE MARCH lat PER WORD THE FIRST DAY. 30 PER WORD EVERY DAY THEREAFTER SPECIAL WEEKLY RATE 160 PER WORD. SPECIAL MONTHLY RATE 000 PER WORD.

SPACE RATES ON REQUEST. Personals Roses for all occasions. Hall's Garden. mile north on 12th. $1.00 for 15 roses.

600 our Imperial washable wall The best in quality, good taste and value: Palmer Paint and Paper. 1416 Austin. Phone 81. hour service on hematitching. Broadway Needlecraft Shop.

317. Broadway, Phone 274. Would you like to buy new house? 8500 down. balance on 15 to 30 year loan. Then call McAllen 279.

Complete Letter Service Mimeograph ins. folding, addressing. mailing dever'a Letter Shop. Broadway McAllen Phone 1540. Alcoholics Anonymous Any man woman who has an honeal desire stop drinking contact our Valley group, McAllen P.

Boz 1522 1 -Business Service Directory and exterior. Work guaranteed. Alex Painting, papering, textonine. interior ander and Harrigan, Phone 5089-R. TEX TRUSSEL PLUMBING AND ELECTRIC San Juan Is now open Tuesday evenings until 9 P.

M. On Tuesday night only, all materials sold for cash at discount. -Lest found. or Small brown mare with only one ear. if seen.

please call Pharr 0002-7-22. Lost- -Toy terrier, female, black and white markings. Child's pet. "Topay." Generous reward for return. Phone 1487-W.

3 -Automobiles. -Automobiles For Sale 1935 Chevrolet door coach. new tires. Motor Just overhauled. See at Pantry, Austin and 12th all day weekdays.

noon Sunday, Phone 9638. 1941 Ford Convertible. New motor, new clutch. power top. Bargain.

1021 Dunlap, Mission. Phone or 586-J. Have 1941 Chevrolet special deluxe for sale cheap. Phone 3050. 1941 SUPER BUICK For Sale By Owner 110 South Leslie Street PHONE 1674-W 1040 Ford Coupe.

Good condition. Priced to sell. B. Goodwyn, 714. McIntyre, Edinburg, Phone 663-2-R.

Must sacrifice- 1948 Frazer Manhattan. $500 below list; Only $700 down. Call 497-R Pharr, 1946 BUICK CONVERTIBLE OADMASTER Actual mileage 18.000 miles. clean, black finish. Has radio, heater, defroster, air conditioner, spot light, new rubber.

It's Beauty. Private owner. Call Mr. Navarro, 134, Mission 88- Trucks Cargo Trailers 1941 11 ton Chevrolet. truck.

Very good condition, tires. Phone 930 McAllen or 320-M Pharr. 1941 Studebaker Champion Plok-Up Excellent condition throughout. A real bargain at $875.00. 1519 Date Palm after 5:30 P.M.

Rave 1941 Chevrolet 11 ton stake body Bought used from Driven only twenty mile since purchase, will take 8250 leas than vestment. Call 921-W for information. Two wheel cargo and livestock trailers for rent or sale cheap. Texas Tire, Highway, Pharr. 30-Trailer Houses Spartan Manor trailer.

complete Gas home at a bargain. Call at Weaver's Station, corner Highway 107 and 8a at Elsa. Texas. National 23 foot new top. tires and Sell outright or swap for car Texas Tire, Highway, Pharr.

Travelites available in 21. 23. 27 font models. Can be financed. 318 South 12th.

Edinburg, For Better Results Use The Monitor Classified Ads 1-Business Service Directory -Automobiles. 8G-Wanted Will pay cash. for good light Truck or HELFRICH'S on Highway, San Juan. CASH FOR YOUR USED CARS HIGH 'PRICES PAID Turn that extra car or truck into cash money. Boggus Motor Sales Phone 84 McAllen.

Texas 5-Business Opportunities. ley town. Write Box 74 A Monitor. Home and business for sale. Good ValWant driller to take over Interest water well rig in Mexico.

See H. W. Brewer. McAllen Hotel Sunday, write 101 Charles Road, San Antonio, Texas. Cafe and night club for sale.

Prosperbusiness. Buy from 615 North 15th. Phone 590. $4.000.00 buys interest in business doing over a thousand month. Call 579-R-1 Pharr, Texas from 7:30 A.M.

to 6:30 P.M. Pharr Recreation Club. Good oppor tunity, Pool and dominoes, cigars, nop, and candy. A good buy at $3,900. See owner on place in Pharr, sell Valley or lease Hatchery butiding and Feed with Store, business will Priced to sell.

Phone 147 Edinburg. For Lease Cool. and light commercial building on West Highway Bentsen and Taylor Roads, 2,000 square feet floor space, Inquire on premises. TOURIST COURT Well located 10 unit court. fur nished.

and 5. room home, Winter income $1,200 monthly, Owner needs higher climate. ONLY $30,000. THIS 18 GOOD M. W.

HALL 905 Beech Phone 1203-M FOR SALE Wholesale and Retail Gas and 011 Station with equipment and twe Dwelling Houses, doing good business. This la money maker for any one that can handle. E. E. OGDEN Tel, 123 450.8.

Travis San Benito, Texas SACRIFICE For Quick Sale One of the most modern up-to-thepar eating places in the Valley known Eddy's Steak House in San Juan. Also have a acre tract of land at east edge of Pharr. Ideal for subdivision. See Me at Eddy's Steak House Everett Eddy 1-Help Wanted. 74-Male Help Good conduit man.

Apply Mike Otis Electrio Service. 105 East 6th Street, San Juan. VETERANS SALESMEN Do you want to own your own bustness with no Capital required, but with an income for Life We have openings for two men. Guaranteed Income while learning. Selling, ser vicing, and adjusting.

Insurance of all kinds (Furniture, Homes, Autos, Life, etc.) Fomer experience not helpful. See Mr. Taylor before 10:00 necessary. Spanish a a a not required but A. M.

Office No. 3. Cochrum Building, McAllen, Texas. WANTED FRY COOK Apply CHEF MICHEL Casa de Palmas Hotel DESIRABLE DRIVER- SALESMAN OPPORTUNITY Well established OrangeCrush Route in McAllen area available for qualified resident of Upper Valley, Interviews Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Mr.

Derby, Casa de Palmas Hotel. ADAMS RANDALL CONTRACTORS Phone 176-J, Donna, Texas Floor Sanding 6c Per Sq. Ft. Plastic Sanding and Finishing 14c Per Sq. Ft.

Turpentine all colors. Also paint for everything, Paint, Per Gal. Painting, inside and out. All Paper Hanging 35c per Single Roll Wall Paper reduced at least up DONNA PAINT PAPER SHOP West Highway Curve Business Opportunities. AVAILABLE From out of town owners, a well established route.

coin 'operated phonograph JUKE BOXES Consisting of 45 regular stops. All centrally located in the Rio Grande Valley, Profits averaging $1,000 monthly, Terms arranged. Call MR. C. P.

AUTREY 111 West Harding Street Harlingen, Texas Phone 2018 7-Help Wanted. 14-Male Help Experienced meat cutter to lease my market. furnished Finest fixtures and equipment free. Only $20 per month rent required. Write immediately Box 72 Monitor, Wanted- -Linotype Operator Floor Man.

Permanent situation, Contact us for wage scale, United Printers. Phone 231. Harlingen, Texas. Good opportunity for ambitious young ma nto learn parta business. ried veteran permanently located with high school education preferred WeR laco Implement Company (Interna tional Dealer), Weslaco, Texas, 18 Female Help Wanted--Practical nurse to care for elderly gentleman, 1218 Miller Avenue, Mission.

Phone 173, Wanted- -Experienced waitresses. Mission. Experienced woman for general Age 20 to 40. Good wages 317 North 7th Street. Phone 310 J.

Attractive waitress to attend bar in beer place. Phone 9573 Pharr. beer place. Phone 9573 Pharr. Women For Telephone Operating No Experience Necessary $28.00 Weekly to Start (For 5 day week) Successive salary increases assure higher earnings.

ENJOY: Permanent work Full- pay while learning Frequent increases Vacations with pay Sickness benefits Pension plan Pleasant surroundings For an interview--Apply. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company 8-Work Wanted. Male Experienced clerk, checker, cashier wants work. P. O.

Box 881, Pharr. Tex. 88-Female Experienced bookkeeper and steno grapher wants permanent position in local firm. Phone 1960-R. 9-For Sale.

B- Office Equipment For Sale -Two good oak office chairs, large electric fan, 1 office desk and chair. Hudson Super Six- door sedan 1940. 008 Kennedy Ave. Phone 871W. 9A -Boats 10 ft.

10 horse motor, Trailer. Henry Derr, 3 miles South Tower Road, Alamo, 90-Household Furniture Good used blond waterfall bedroom suite. Blond Monterrey livingroom suite. Nearly new Maytag washing machine, Phone 650-W Pharr. Used Hot -Point electric range, Reconditioned and guaranteed.

Mike Otis Electric Service, 105 East 6th Street, San Juan. Electrio refrigerators, ice boxes, finished chests in different sizes, oil cook stoves. Table top stoves and also apartment gas stoves. Bed springs and mattresses, washing machines and sewing machines. Duncan Phyfe dining room furniture.

Pulliam Furniture, miles East Highwe. priced Leaving town. Household equipment, to suit everyone. 702 East Orange, Phone 5014-M. used.

Hotpoint. electric range. Slightly miles North 10th Street. Set twin box springs and mattresses, dinette set, Second house south af Back Highway Blinker light, on East side. Pharr.

Solid walnut 7 piece bedroom suite. Apply Pantry, corner Austin and 12th. Phone 9638. Double coll bed springs $12.95 Nite O- Innerspring mattresses $29.45. Oscillating inch $11.95.

Burris Hardware, Mission. 75 pound coolerator ice box. Also twin bed, 1 table. Mrs. Mary Cer: vantes.

1619 Oblate Avenue, Mission Delivery-Hotpoint electric appliances. home freezers, washing machines, troners, dishwasher. sinka, and garbage disposals. Also. one water milk cooler for six 10-gallon cans, coolers, roasters, vacuum clean era, and many other small appliances In stock.

J. W. Martin Electric Co. 516 South Main, Phone 399. DE Refrigerators foot Electrolux gAS or.

Butane refrigerator. See Stabley, 3 mile line North Ware Road. foot all porcelain Frigidaire in gond condition. $100. 1014 Nyssa Street.

Phone 80-Sewing Machines Any chines make machine repaired. Used mabought and sold. Buttonhole attachments, pinking shears. lights, motors controls. Sewing Machine Shop, Standard, San Juan.

Phone 548. -Building Materials LOOK! BETTER LUMBER NOW STRAIGHT 2x4s $8.00 REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS FINANCED TOO No Down Payment 36 months to pay TAYLOR LUMBER COMPANY McAllen, Texas 1507 Highway Phone 16 Years in the Valley" 9-For Sale. 9H- -Building Materials PERMA-STONE SOON FOR KUHN'S PAINTS and Plenty SHEET ROCK Economy Lumber Co. miles West Highway, McAllen Phone 382 91-Miscellaneou chair, bedroom breakfast suite, flat top desk with rocker, set, top table, living room chair. 250 series and miscellaneous photo 1619, equipment.

Barrera' Nursery, or Sewing sold, Machines Repaired or bought tic, new and used. Singer, Domes Juan. etc, HELFRICH'S on Hiway, San and Kitchen sink, lavatory, beds, dressers amount of miscellaneous used lumber, articles Phone Small 345. Juan Hotel. feet utility air cooler for sale.

3.500 euble Thomas, per minute, $160. See Grant rear of 1218 St. Marie Avenue, Mission. Ben Hur deep freezers carry free repairs. insurance againat spoilage and Burris Hardware, Miasion.

boats. Evinrude Fishing motors, tackle, new and used. Row. and cota, Burris Hardware, Mission. camping stools field Texas Industries.

Burlap bags MoAllen bags, 1601 tree ball burlap. Phone J. P. O. 1448, BIl Micas.

48 Inch attic motor, fan, aluminum propeller ball $135 ularly Vacuum cleaners all attachmenta, $79.50 for $59.50. Lavatories $25.95. Burris Hardware, Mission, TOMATO FIELD BOXES Refore, See buying SALADINO CO. Mercedes Phone 326 ALO-TILE For colors, bath and kitchen wells, Beautiful Can be permanent and Inexpensive, of inatalled on old and new walls any kind. Free estimate.

F. P. LEWELLYN 110 W. Jones, Pharr Phone 316 FOR SALE One Steam Table One Magia Chef Range one Piteo Deep Fat. Fryer One Dishwashing Machine with ways One Four Door reach in Frigidaire and Compressor One 36 inch Exhaust Fan Counter and Stools See GASTON WILEY 510 South Main, McAllen After 3 P.

M. Tuesday, April 6, 1948 9M-Farm Equipment ered New inch self-priming with Mounted 20. 4. 4 cylinder Wisconpump, powsin. Economy Lumber on trailer unit.

L. Myatt, Company. For sale Dempater 5 with pipe and foot valve. Rea Inch Irrigation Texas. Phone J.

M. 6014-F-6. Hughes, Mercedes, Good Case tractor on steel model 8. C. I bought this tractor new and it has had very little use, Also have buster, planter.

cultivator and dusting ma chine with it. Call Melver phone 1010 Brand New 0-4 -Deering AL jess than lat price 708 JASMINE, McALLEN PHONE 1984-R RENT A FORD TRACTOR WITH EQUIPMENT BOGGUS TRACTOR SALES 3421 West Highway McAllen Phone 1655 4 D8 Caterpillar tractors with various equipment, 3 RD8 Bulldozers. 1HD7, 700 hours. HD7 with Bulldozers, 2600 hours. 2 D8's with tree dozers, plows and rakes with contract to clear 700 acres land.

new model No. 23 Garwood scraper. 3 land leveling machines. new 06 International tractor. Herbert McMorries Phone 2234-M or 2014-W, Harlingen, Texas Do You Want New Butane Range At A Real Bargain? We have a limited number of 1947 model "Magic Chefs" which are selling at much lower prices to make way for the new Ultra Modern Magic Chefs which have just been received.

We also have your requirements in Butane and Propane Tanks, Gas Refrigerators, Heaters, Roper and Kalamazoo Ranges. Federal Petroleum Co. 704 N. COMMERCE ST. PH.

322 HARLINGEN, TEXAS 9- -For M--Farm Equipment 1947 little. orchard type tractor used very distributor, Also offset disc, fertilizer border machine, and plement trailer. Bargain. See owner Third highway house on South right, south back on Jackson Road. P- Plants Seeds Sweet Potato plants ready to transplant, $3.00 per thousand at the ranch, pulled.

Telephone 6010-P-13 United Products. San Juan, Texas. Red grapefruit, Valencia and Maria or ange trees on both Cleo and sour Ar orange seedlings, H. LAW Nursery Phone 756-M. Thousands of bushes growing.

A sight that you'll remember! 5 minutes from the Highway, You're invited to Hall's Rose Garden. mile north on North 12th. $1.00 for 15 roses. McAllen. Nice green carpet grass delivered.

George Li Turner, 117 North 9th Street, Phone 282-W Donna. 50,000 citrus trees for sale. Red Blush. white grapefruit, tangerines, Hamline, Navels, and Valencia Oranges and the Meyera lemon. We do contract setting J.

D. Russell's Nursery, 5 miles north and mile west of Phone Weslaco 924- Whitaker's Nursery has excellent nursery stock. for sale, or will trade for new or late model used car, farm machinery, or good land or what have you. Look for sign 0p mile west and 13 north 6 miles north of Wes 1800. Phone 924-P-13.

Route 1, Box 261. Plant a gardenia now. Next month they will be in full bloom. And they are an evergreen plant. Also have nice hibiscus, colors, evergreens, eta.

We stay open on Sundays from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Also, have one screw tail Boston bull puppy, months old.

Has excellent markings, K. 0, registered. MECKEL NURSERY See 1 Mile South Mayberry Road: sign on highway, Mission, Texas SPECIAL Blooming BARBARA KARST Bougainvillea In a gallon container $3.75 this week Tropical Gardens Nursery East Wide Highway 83 Donne, Texas selection Hibiscus; Out Flowers College Heights Nursery This Week's Special Orchid Trees $3.50 value for $2.00 For those who wish to try new, Flowering Peaches, Also hy: drangeas, geraniuma, callas, and begonias. Landscape plans and contracting by ROSS Turn at aign mile south on Depot Road. Phone: 433 OR -Food Products Milk, 800 per gallon.

3216 West Ken- To build mental and physical health, Drink Goats' Milk Complete Food for Children F. J. Jefferson Mile North Taylor Road. Mission CITRUS FRUIT from healthy trees Tastes betterAand it is better for you. For best tree ripened fruit, see JEFFERSON GROVES mile Taylor Road between McAllen and Mission HONEY We have fresh orange blossom honey for sale NOW.

G. C. WALKER 578 -2 or 894 Pharr 1 mile North on 281 Highway 10-Livestock. Hogs, Ete, One white registered Brahman cow for sale or trade, Elliott Roberts Phone 1534 J. 108-Horses, Mules, Etc.

Saddle horse with brand new saddle. 2025 Beaumont after 5 P.M. 100-Eggs, Poultry, Chicks For Sale: 9 New Hampshire Red hens. all laying. H.

J. Roelofs. mi. So. King's Hiway, phone 5037W.

10D-Pets Three month old Registered Cocker Spaniel pup for sale. $20, apply 612 8. 10th Street. FOR SALE German Shepherds (Registered German police puppies) $85 Call 90 or 1833 Brownsville 11-Wanted to buy Wanted 5,000 or 6,000 tree stakes. Call McAllen 5028-M.

Wanted to Buy--Pair of twin beds. Call McAllen 876. Wanted Tomato machinery. Call 5003-M Edinburg, 14-Real Estate. -Rentals.

-Hotels Arcade Hotel, 303 North 12th, under new management. Special summer rates. All outside rooms. blocks from town. Call Mrs.

Barnhart, 9553. MeAlien. ROOMS $5.35 Week Service 215 North Broadway Hotel Casa Blanca Men's sleeping rooms CORDELL HOTEL 1202 Conway Mission, Texas Hotel room and furnished apart: menta. Summer rates. PHONE MISSION 582 128-Rooms Outside room, private, bath.

$10.00 per Call after 5 P. 1018 North Lovely room, private entrance, tile bath. Ideal location. Gentleman only, Phone 1556. Clean, cool aleeping rooma.

Low sum 521 mer rates. Some kitchen privileges. South Broadway, Phone 9545. Southeast bedroom with kitchen privileges if desired. Close in.

Phone 919. Large cool beautifully furnished bed room. Semi -private bath and entrance Southeast exposure Excellent neigh borhood. Close In. Bummer rates Phone 1438 W.

cool bedrooms. Private entrances. Twin beda. 521 North 10th Street. Extra nice furnished, apartment for two people, Close in.

Phone 417-M. If you are particular and north side apartment, air conditioned, new furniture, large Frigidaire. For two people, Phone 1085, Attractive 2 room apartment, east Private. exposure, Also room efficiency. $10 per week.

317 East High way. Furnished apartment, Bedroom and large living room, kitchenette with electric refrigerator, bath and 2 large closets. Hays Apartmenta between Allen and Pharr on Casa Road. 1 block south of Hob's Sport Shop. 2 furnished kitchenette apartmenta for rent.

2628 Austin. Mrs. room O. furnished modern apartment. M.

Lentz, miles south on Stewart Road, San Juan, Texas, Furnished apartment for rent. bills paid. Daily maid service. Nicest in town. Phone 1957-W or 873 McAllen.

ment. Small Electra furnished, cool, Insulated apartWeekly refrigerator. Reasonable. or -onthly rates. On bus line, Holiday Inn Courts miles West Highway, New cated in unfurnished Duplex for rent.

Lo: McAllen, the Includes nicest north section of kitchen dinette, ing month. bedroom, and bath. Rent $60 A Phone 1960-R. room. Furnished Poinsetta apartment.

Also sleeping "Sugar Road, Lodge, Highway 83 and New brick efficienctes. Cool. summer rates. Across from Bible Institute. dinbure Highway.

Derfus M.I tel. New, room, furnished. cross venti lation, Insulated. Centrally 10- cated between Edinburg and McAllen miles North 10th, Route 336. Not motel.

Large modern furniahed apartment tn he used combination office and quarterS. Phone 945. Nice Pharr. clean efficiency apartment in Permanent. Skrober, block south of back highway blinker light then block east.

Attractive furnished apartments available, ground floor, cool. Reasonable summer rates. Sunset Motel, conveniently located corner Main Hiway and McColl Road, between McAllen 4444 Pharr. Phone 9542. 19-Houses 14x20 furnished house: for rent, Utilities paid.

Use of washing machine. Reasonable, Inquire 106 12th Street, San Juan. Nicely furnished house, Also new upstairs apartment. Very cool. All new furniture.

miles North Conway Boulevard, Mission. U. F. Kluthe. share my home with working person, or rent sleeping room.

Close in. Phone 1724-M Sunday afternoon or 274 weekdays. home, bedroom, 212 miles 2 bath house. Beautiful north on 10th McAleln. Will rent or sell.

Small furnished house. Close in. Joe Roussel. Phone 814-W. completely furnished cottage.

2800 Austin. Sell or will rent to responsible party for year, room furnished or furnished house 3 blocks south of Blue Moon Club. room furnished house. No. children.

1707 Laurel. McAllen. 13-Wanted to Rent. Wanted to rent. Tight cement floored garage to use for storage space.

Phone 1636. 4-Real Estate. 144-Homes For Sale Newly decorated rooms and bath City lights and water. Butane. 1 acre of good Irrigated land.

West Mission. $3,000. Phone 5056-W McAllen. four room house, 1 five room house for sale by owner. Phone 5063-R New two bedroom homes.

Good Joca tion in Pharr. Also residential lots. Or will build to suit you. Lew ellyn. Owner, 110 W.

Jones, Pharr. Phone Pharr 316. By owner, new modern room house, 2 screened in porches. acre. miles on South Glasscock Road.

Pharr, Texas--Owner sell equity in new 5 room double brick home, Excellent, location. Easy payments on G. loan, 513 east County Highway or Phone 626-R, Would you like to have house for your farm workers? We can build you a home on your lot for AS little $400 Can be financed. Phone 279. NEW 3 BEDROOM BRICK Corner lot, large rooms, large closets, garage large screened back porch, oak floors.

Modern throughout. Fruit trees. $2.500 cash, assume G.I. loan. Immediate possession.

Best location in San Juan. Apply to owner, 232 East 10th, San Juan. 20 acres, on concrete, good location, fine land, 3 bed room modern, Myers house, Lemons, wash 3 house, acres Red chicken Blush, house, 1 20 barn, acre oranges. This is a good place for some one. 60 acres all purpose land close in, planted to cotton, rent one fourth, this tract is a good buy $135.00 per acre, 12 acres.

5 acres Red Blush, acres Valencias, acres early oranges and White Marsh. 94 acres all purpose land planted to cotton, this rented one fourth tract is under priced at $140.00 per acre. Have other good listings, some with houses and orchards. E. E.

OGDEN Tel. 123 450 S. Travis San Benito, Texas Valley Evening Monitor, McAllen, 14-Real Estate. 144-Homes For Sale For Bale Two room houses on corner Financed. lot D.

DEAF school. Edinburg L. Kooker, Edcouch. all bedroom homes, screened porches, utilities. Good location In San Juan.

Also residential lots. For by owner. 208 Mast 7th Street, San Juan. By owner, 5 room FHA one year old house, paved street and curha. Total monthly are payments for principal and interest only $30 per month.

Pur nished unfurnished. 1104 North 4th 1995-R McAllen. Lovely 2 bedroom brick home for or trade. 500 North 7th Street, MeAllen. Income Properties In McAllen- all New Brick furnished, Duplex, 3 room apartmenta, furnished.

PRICED Garage Apartment, New Brick Cottages, rooms each completely furnished. NICE INCOME For further Information on these call M. MONTENEGRO REAL ESTATE 1301 Beaumont, Rm. 7, McAllen 1082 Chicago Address 2846 N. Christiana Ave in.

Bargain, nice modern home, close Only $5,800. $1,500 each. 2. 6 room modern home, In sulated, ete. on pavement.

Northeast McAllen. $2,000 caah, balance month 3. Good paying apartment house will trade for San Antonio property, 4. Modern home, 8 acres, trade for Kerrville land. 5.

Choice tourist or trailer court 1o- cation near Grande Courts. 200 sores, 60 In crop, Only $65 an acre 7. Also 22 acres, room, Air conditioned. room rent house. 1000 bear.

ing trees on highway, near Me. R. Rent a house, Couple, no children Allen. $18.000. Good terma, or peta.

P. J. FOLSOM REAL ESTATE 619 North Main: McAllen Phone 38 ABBOTT REALTYINVESTMENT CO. Broadway at the Hi-Way J. A.

Abbott, Founder Established 1899 In McAllen 1937 THESE ARE LATE LISTINGS AND VERY GOOD BUYS 75 Five toot room home, House at 1305 Pecan, Large lot. brick with large You living room, In the best of condition. and can call and room. see it, Good gar, laundry The price is but this $11,000. You positively cannot equal value in McAllen.

Come in and let 15 tell you why we have been able to secure this nominal price. WANT 30 PARM. We have over 400 nores, grove, of which ROVeR In over half producing and oranges. 80 acres in tomatoes. pinks ED the rest in cotton.

THIS IS ON PAV: road only miles from busy town. If bought this week all rentals goes. Oh, must tell you the price, only Now try $80,000 to for this large property. beat this bargain. We predict this buy will not last the week out.

TWO 10 FIVE blocks ROOM HOMES. Brand new only east of P. O. One of them 45 priced at the other at $6,500. These are the most for the money to be found.

TWENTY TWO ACRE YOUNG OR. CHARD. In Santa Cruz and actually over two years old. Our price is $350 per worth acre. Gosh the bare land in nearly that, STILL have that 40 acre orchard eight years old.

Twenty acres rubies, ten acres fruit valencias, this ten acres hamlins. The on orchard Jumped for $13,000 this year. Will sell it to you at very low price. Better see it. It will sell.

us about Two home miles that from Elsa. wonderful would cost at least $30.000 to duplicate. With this 808S ten acre sell orchard this and good one. Owner says week for $25.000. Good terma.

TEN ACRES all oranges. Half clas Just and half hamlins Nine years old. $1,000 per acre. It will suit you. So you missed that 10 vertined who last knows week.

orcharda: local man better bought most of you. He knew a bargain when than he saw it. Again call your attention to that 400 acre farm described above, You have easy terms. This figures under can $200 per acre orchard, tomatoes, cotton and all for there really 425 acres. The location is the best.

Near Do Elsa. Remember we say EASY TERMS. not telephone about this. ABBOTT REALTY. INVESTMENT CO.

McAllen, Texas -Real Estate. Texas. April 6, 1946. Page 14-Real Estate. 144-Homes For Sale New house.

room and bath cement block side Easy terma. Second house left Sugar Road off highway 63. MISSION HOME room stucco, corner lots, double garage, pavement on both aides, vene tian blinds, underground Irrigation, Beautiful lawn. YOU PAN'T BEAT THIS FOR $10,500, Easy terme de sired. BOB MARTIN Phone 250 Mission OF 873 McAllen PRICED FOR MODERATE LIVING 1,051 square feet of the coolest, ideal home house with original features.

Well construct. ed, approved foundation, Pastel color scheme, central heating unit, Porch big enough for luncheon and enjoy. ment, ten year guaranteed roof, SHOWN BY OWNER, day or night. only, PHONE 537-J McAllen 20 ACRES ON VICTORIA ROAD Half- way between Donna and Weslace. Beautiful home 9 acres all orchard.

11 In cotton. variety This priced for immediate sale. RIO GRANDE REAL ESTATE CO. Office Phone 119 Residence Phone 359-M 431 Texas Street, Wesinco, Fosse INCOME UNITS and BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1. New, restful, ultra-modern and ample room to be highly livable.

Beautifully furnished. Masonry construe. tion. Excellent buy, A well established business, food key and refreshments to the public, serving Valley town, excellent location. -conditioned, well equipped and profitable, chance for the person at wanting the to reasonable step into ready made profit price of 015,000.00.

DOROTHY E. HESS REALTY 315 N. Broadway McAllen Phone 1630 Plenty of free parking space 14D-Vacant Lots By owner, corner lot, exceptional in cation. will trade for clean car, Phone 564-W San Juan. -Business Property Buildings businesses in McAllen.

Ideal spot for of all types. 1301 North Main. McAllen. shop. Mr.

Pharr Carrothers, 30x40 for storage on Bullding in Trailer Court, Pharr, Shady -Groves 20 acres acre orchard seven: years old. of Ruby Red grapefruit, 5 acres 10 naval acres and acres Valencia oranges. fruit and Ruby Red and white grape choice oranges. 5 acres choice fruit and oranges oranges. 48 acres grape: grapefruit and Also several fine homes planted last year, ment and apartreasonable houses.

and All the above priced 73, near McAllen. Bog Monitor, Best Buy in Valley Owner must sell '10 mores dark green trees, half oranges. Charming white frame home, Close to McAllen. The price of this property has been drastically reduced. A real opportunity to acquire a fine property very low price, W.

H. MOON CO. 1811 Beaumont McAllen 146-Groves 10 acre bearing grove. quick sale. Cash OF terms HellBargain rich, Highway, San Juan.

-Farms Ranches 22 acres, 11 acres farm land, 11 seres grazing land. Frame house. modern. butane electricity. Close to.

MeAllen. 07,000. Phone 477, HARLINGEN WESLACO PROPERTY 5 room house in Finwood $7,500, Heights, Harlingen, Texas. New, 5 room modern house, large glassed porch, car port. Immediate possession.

In Weslaco, Texas. $10,500. FORD REALTY COMPANY 305 S. Broadway SCOTT FORD Phone 1006 DICK TURNER McAllen, Texas FOR SALE Nice 17 acre tract within one mile of Mission, 8 acres in nice orchard -Oranges, Ruby Reds and Marsh Seedless balance good farm land--now planted. Well improved with 5 room modern stucco dwelling--stucco garage--stucco servants' houseslate roofs.

Also large barn and chickens houses together with furniture including a new electric stove--good electric refrigerator and all equipment that goes with property, Owner forced to leave the Valley and must sell. Terms if wanted. Immediate possession. W. A.

WOLVERTON, Realtor 1110 Conway Mission, Texas.

The Monitor from McAllen, Texas (2025)
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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.