a 7, THE EVENING COURIER AND REPORTER. WATERLOO, IOWA. TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1920. 1 PALMER RELEASE PLEDGED VOTES LANDSLIDE SIGNAL Deadlock Loosens When Drift of New Votes Begins to Set in Toward Ohioan. San Francisco, July The release of Attorney General Palmer's delegates after the thirtyeighth ballot disclosed the keystone of the convention jam, altho for a time it apepared that the deadlock between MeAdoo and Cox would continue indefinitely.
With 211 Palmer delegates on the thirty-eighth call turned loose, MeAdoo gained 34. 1-2 votes on the thirty-ninth ballot and Cox with one Louisiana and 73 Pennsylvania delegates staying by attorney general. On that call McAdoo made his principal gain in taking Georgia's 28 from the Palmer column while Cox gained 19 from Massachusetts, giving 33 her 36 with others scattering from other Palmer sources. On the next, the fortieth, ballot, Cox climbfrom 468 to 490 McAdoo from 440 to 467, while Palmer dived to 19, including. 18 steadfasts from his and the one Louisianan.
MeAdoo held the Georgia block for that and the succeeding baliot also. Tennessee Sticks to Davis But Cox scooped up scattering delegates from the MeAdoo column from Illinois, Washington and other spots of MeAdoo organization. Both sides watched in vain for Tennessee swing her 24 votes from Davis, but they remained in the ambassador's column until the last. The thirty-first ballot showed a gain of 7 1-2 votes for Cox and 1088 of seven for McAdoo, who took four more Pennsylvanians. In the first break of Pennsylvania from Palmer, McAdoo got 42 to Cox's 12.
but both got a few more later. Both leaders were under 500 mark, on the forty-first ballot at midnight, with each sniping into the other's camps and the Davis voters holding fast. On the BuCceding ballot, Cox made his first big gain which portended the finale. Closing with 497 1-2 votes on the forty Cox rose on the next one 540 1-2, or only 7 1-2 less than a majority of the convention, while McAdoo dropped from 460 to 427. Georgia Starts Slide.
Then Georgia started the slide toward Cox by swinging 28 solid from McAdoo. Cox picked up more scattering votes, including four Davis delegates from Michigan. McAdoo, however, still held the shot 20 over a majority Pennsylvanians. Cox on the thirty-third ballot, getting 568 as against 540 1-2 on the previous roll. McAdoo dropped 15 on the thirty-third, going from 427 to 412.
Cox's principal gains were a solid vote from Louisiana taking a half dozen from McAdoo and 10 1-2 from Virginia, which previously had returned to Senator Glass. On that ballot also Cox drew away numerous scattering votes from McAdoo. o'clock. from the start The final began at 1:15 ballot, Cox began taking single and double votes from the McAdoo delegations. Indiana Back to Cox.
The real break developed when three Florida delegates which had stood fast for McAdoo for many ballots, swung over and gave Cox solid 12. Cox held Georgia intact, gained four more Illinoisans from McAdoo and then Tom Taggart announced 8 solid block of 30 Indiana for Cox taking 10 from from, McAdoo. Kentucky likewise gave up three MoAdoo votes and made It 26 solid for Cox. Louisiana gave another unbroken block. Maryland followed after, giving MeAdoo 5 1-2 and Cox 8.
1-2. Maseachusette then rolled up 85 of her 36 votes to Cox who also gained six more from Missouri, while five of Nebraska's seven which had been enrolling for McAdoo for many balJots, also turned to the Ohtoan. Pennsylvania then cast 68, leaving but four to MeAdoo, as compared to 47 on the preceding ballot. Vermont which had split even, then gave eight solld for Cox, Virginia gave eight more, Wisconsin turned 16 more, while the Alaska, Hawaii, and Porto Rico delegations, which had been dividing FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Home Method That Anyone Can Use Without Discomfort or Loss of Time. We have a new method that controls Asthma.
and we want you to try it at our expense. No whether your case is of long standing or matter Recent development, whether it is should present send as occassional or chronic Asthma, you for a free trial of our method. No matter in what climate you live, no matter what your age or occupation, if you are troubled with asthma. our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send it to those appar hopeless cases, where all forms of inhalers.
eutly Douches, opium preparations, fumes, "patent smokes," have failed. We want to show everyone at our expense, that this new method is designed to end all difficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms at once. This free offer is too important to neglect single day. Write now and begin the method at orice. Send no money.
Simply mail coupon below. Do it Today, FREE TRIAL 187K FRONTIER ASTEMA Room. Ningura and Hudsou Streets, Buffalo, 37. Y. Send free trial of your method to: 0800 Men! For your Palm Beach White or Gray Oxfords at $4.65 WANG and MILLER Cedar Falls Mail News GEORGE H.
TWADDLE, resident news representative in Cedar Falls of the Waterloo Evening Courter and Daly Reporter: office at 111 West Fourth street. Telephone No. 13. office hours 9 to 10 a. m.
and 1 to 2 p. m. California Church Seeks Local Man as Its Minister Cedar Falls, July The fourth call from a large congregation San Francisco, and an offer of the editorship of the denominational paper published Blair, were under consideration today by Rev. N. M.
Andreasen, pastor of Nazareth church, Cedar Falls. The editorial position he has refused, but his decision in the ministerial call has not been reached. The California church offers a substantial increase over the salary he receives in this city. 12,058 Attend July 4 Program Official report on attendance at the Independence day celebration at Cedar Valley fairgrounds yesterday indicates 42,058 persons were present. Service at the barbecue, heavy WAS to downpour 3,500 of individuals.
rain at the attendance cut by rains noon caused a turther, reduction of of the early morning and night. No were run account of the faces, track. Plans are being gram later this considered for having. the race pro- their vote, went in a bunch to the nominee. Some Never Waver, Awaiting the call after the territories were Maryland and Mich1gan which had passed possibly to watch the results of the final ballot.
With the Cox tide in flood, the Colorado change was announced and the long battle ended with the adopted motion for an unanimous choice. The West Virginia 16 stood steadfast for Davis during the entire battle. Also a score of Okla- Elmer La Joppesen, Waterloo. 21 Myra C. Wood, Waterloo.
17 Ray W. Trenery, Waterloo. 24 lone Burger, Waterloo. Jason Alfred Hawkins, Parkersburg Tena Gorman, Parkersburg 21 Harland A. Jones, Waterloo Elvina Iverson, Minneapolis J.
10. Green, Waterloo. 9 Florence Mayes, Waterloo. 00 Thomas Ray McNeil, Waterloo Pauline Mae Sipes, Waterloo. Lloyd Boos, New Hampton.
Esther Pechtel, Lansing for smoked meats that hardens and by preserves them indefinitely claimed la an Austrian chemlat. The Invention of liquid conting a FIFTY Y. M. C. A.
BOYS LEAVE FOR CAMP ON THE CEDAR WEDNESDAY Fifty boys will leave tomorrow at 10 a. 01. to attend the Y. M. C.
A. camp for younger boys on Anderson's island In the Cedar river, about five miles above Cedar Falls. Baggage shipped and tents were pitched this afternoon, accordIng to A. 0. Cohagan, general secretary, Cook Harris, will go up tomorrow noon to serve the first meal in camp.
"We are asking that all perluggage be brought in a small sonal box with handles," said Mr. Cohagan, "altho a sack or suit case will Baby Girl Wins 3 First Prizes Parents of Louisiana's "Champion Baby" raised her on Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin THERE is always a good deal of sickness in the summer months, dueto the bot weather. The heat is especially severe on babies and children, and often it interferes with their development and growth. They lose appetite, pass restless nights, suffer from indigestion, and finally constipation.
In the hot Southern States mothers give combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, at the first symptom of constipation. This formula is known to druggists as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and they have sold it under that BOYLAN name for a quarter of a century. It is DOROTHY by FISHLA, now the sole medicinal reliance in thousands of families, Little Dorothy Boylan knows what real bot weather is ten months of the Is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepeln.
It has year. She is the daughter of Mr. and kept her healthy and bullt her up, and Mrs. Harry H. Boylan, and lives at 218 helped make it possible, they write, for North Alexander in New Orleans.
Dorothy to be a prize-winning baby, She has won three successive first You can obtain a bottle of Dr. Caldprizes as the "Grand Champion Baby of well's Syrup Pepain at any drug store, Louisiana," and her parents say the You will find it pleasant to take, and it only medicine they have ever given her does not gripe or weaken. Millions of people of all ages suffer from occasional or FREE Dr. chronic for W. a B.
free constipation. Caldwell, sample bottle Let 512 of them his Washington send wonderful name Street, and Syrup address Monticello, Pepsin, to 8 million bottles were bought at drug stores last year, the largest sale in the world, BEST IN THE LONG RUN TF A BETTER tire than the SILVERTOWN CORD is ever made, it will still be a Silvertown Tire, and Goodrich will make it. Silvertown America's First CORD TIRE The Goodrich Adjustment Basis: Silvertown Cords, 8000 Miles Fabric Tires, 6000 Miles do." Management of the camp will be under the supervision of W. F. Hux- boys' work secretary of the Waterloo Y.
M. C. and Dr. J. H.
Styles, county secretary, The younger boys camp will last until July 17; older boys' to July 27: younger boys' of Black Hawk connty to Aug. 2: older boys of the county to Aug. 7. ARMY NOT ANXIOUS FOR RECRUITS UNDER 18 An order from the war department to the local recruiting offices, dated July 1, provides for the enages of 16 provided the liatment of minors, between the consent of the parents is obtained. The applicant must measure up to the physical qualifications and authority for the enlistment must come from state headquarters in not the polley of the department for recruiting service in lowa.
"It to accept such applicants," reads the order, "and general authority for. such will not be extended to recruiting Presbyterian Y. P. A. to Approximately attend 200 the young confer- peoarranged by the Presbyterian church of the state for Riverview park, beginning tomorrow aud continuing one week.
The assembly, one of many arranged for different parta of the country, will be in charge of Rev. J. 8. Armentrout, Philadelphia. College Coach Is Beaten by Stranger Abram James, assistant conch at Teachers' college and captain of next years football team, was Beby an unknown assaultverely beaten yesterday, afternoon ed him when James remonstrated against the stranger's action in flinging canon crackers at his face.
The assault took place at Seventh and Main streets and WAS 8O savage it was necessary for bystanders to interfere and rescue James, The man escaped in the automobile in which he was riding when he threw the firecrackers. 0 Burglars Secure Watch and Money Carl Cramer, who lives on Ninth street west, reports the theft of a gold watch whose value 1s estimated at $40, and $20 in cash, when burglars entered his residence yesterday. homans instructed for Senator Owen and nine Nebraskans controlled by Bryan and voting almost from the first for Owen never wayered. Clifford D. Bruce, Waterloo.
Mata Geller, Mason City. M. Weber, Raymond. Loretta Elizabeth Kies, Jesup Robert F. Wagner, Waterloo.
Veryle Davis, Waterloo 18 William D. Elder, Cedar Rapids 21 Emeline E. Armstrong, Cedar Rapids 18 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Star Shaped Mold-Style-H Individual Dessert Molde--Style-4 The same la pint etze-Style-G Save Sugar Set of Six Individual By serving Jiffy-Jell Real-Fruit Desserts Dessert Molds Jiffy-Jell desserts are rich Serve it now when sugar is 50 Assorted styles of aluminum. in fruit.
A bottle of condensed scarce. Add fresh fruit or ber- The six will hold a full package fruit juice comes in each ries if you like. of Jiffy-Jell. Send us aix 00 package. Also try lime-fruit flavor for trade-marks and we will mail you They are ready-sweetened tart, green salad jell.
Also the set of mix, valued at 60 cents. and acidulated. You simply mint flavor for mint add boiling water, as directed jell to serve with of1 package, then the liquid meats. fruit essence from the vial. Also mix in fresh fruit, if desired, and let cool.
No sugar required. PINEAPPLE package Jiffy-Jell serves is six. economical. One rutty Tell put the sugar in it. It saves your sugar, for we co It is rich in fruit, for the bottle densed of juice flavor of is much the con- ripe A 10 Bottle Flavors in Glass ca fruit.
in each Package Millions have adopted Jiffy- Mint Raspberry Orange Lime Strawberry Lemon Loganberry Jell as the ideal fruit dessert. Cherry Pineapple Coffee Teaspoon Size Jiffy-Cup For Measuring An aluminum half-pint cup. Fill twice with boiling water, as per directions, to dissolve one package Jiffy-Jell. Use as a standard cup in any recipe. Win.
Roger's Son AA Send two 1 trade-marks for New-style dessert spoon, Wm. Rogers Son AA silverplate, guar- the Jiffy- Cup. anteed 20 years. Contains no advertising. Send two An trade-marks and 10 cents for first spoon, then we will balance of the set.
offer, you Gifts to Users Pint Melds Buy Jiffy-Jell from your grocer. Cut out Jiffy Dessert MAIL I the (To trade-marks in the circle on the front Style -D Waukesha, Wis. THIS of Jiffy-Jell packages. Send 6 for any pint I enclose or the Set of Six Individual Molds. trade-marks for mold Send 2 for the Jiffy-Cup, or 2 and 10c for of Mix which mail the gifts I check at side.
the Spoon. 7-Cup The pint molda are as follows- aluminum: Spoon Style- -Pint Mold, heart shaped. Bend circles Style- -Pint Mold, futed as above. for any pint mold -Pint Baled Mold. or the set of six.
Style -Pint Mold with pinnacles. Send for JiffyStyle -H- -Pint Mold, star shaped. Cup. Bend and Enclose 100 for postage and packing on the Same a at top. 100 for spoon.
spoon alone. To those who desire to make the most from the money they save ave extend a cordial invitation to open an account in our Department. Inn Savings Plan WITH Savings the inauguration of "The First National a new era of opportunity is opened to the "savers" of this community. Under this plan there is no need of losing a single month's interest on your deposits. A New Interest Period Begins the First of Every Month All deposits made before the tenth "The First National Savings Plan" of each month earn interest from the is but another indication of the confirst of the month.
scientious endeavor we are making to You work hard for your money, offer you a service of genuine helpfulmake it work hard for you. It is no ness at this bank. longer necessary to deposit your sav- Besides this "more money" plan ings and then wait for two or three for your savings you will find our months before a new interest period other facilities equally profitable to begins and your money starts to work you. Our officers and employees are for you. eager to serve you carefully, courBy systematically depositing at this teously and satisfactorily, to extend to bank during the first ten days of each you a hearty welcome here, to seek month your money will begin to earn your patronage on the basis of service interest at once.
well rendered. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Member Federal Reserve System WATERLOO, IOWA 1. W. RATH. President A.
M. PLACE. Vice President WILL, A. LANE. Cashier.